Friday, June 15, 2007

Jo Drills

Fred Neumann - Camp Kodenkan North, July 1, 1995

Studies Zenkoku Ryukyu Kempo Karate Kobudo, the Rengo Kai Association.

Mr. Neumann has been studying martial arts for 42 years and has Dan ranks in numerous systems. During this time he has formally studied Judo, Karate, Aiki Jitsu, Aikido, Aiki sword, Iaido, Ken Jitsu and Kyudo. His most in-depth studies have been devoted to refining his knowledge and skill in Ryukyu Kempo karate, founded by Master Taika Oyata.

Jo drills for strengthening the hara, toughening increasing power for short punches. Need 2 people and 1 Jo or Bo.

1. Feet shoulder width. Jo on the hara held by the 2 people pushing lightly on the ends with the belly. Exhale during the push, inhale while receiving.
Person A pushes the Jo out making the abdomen hard, a 4 count, while person B receives the Jo/energy.
Then B pushes the Jo out making the abdomen hard as A receives.

2. Feet in seisan. Jo on the hara held by the 2 people pushing lightly on the ends with the belly. Walk forward until uki stops the motion with a hara push. Reverse the direction until the person going backwards stop with a hara push. Repeat.

3. Horse stance with Jo on the hara held by 2 people. Punch each other with only the hara (no hips or body thrusts).

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