Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The United States Army Leadership Field Manual states that a military leader of “character and competence acts to achieve excellence.” He must be imbued with the values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. He must continually work to develop his mental, physical, and emotional skills to their fullest. He must demonstrate superior interpersonal, conceptual, technical, and tactical skills. He must demonstrate the ability to act via influencing others (through communication, decision-making, and motivation); by planning, executing the plan, and assessing it; and by improving himself by learning from experience. Above all, he must set the tone in preconditioning the will of his subordinates to sacrifice their lives if necessary. The only consistently credible way to do this—if the history of great military leadership is any guide—is to lead from the front as much as possible and share the risk of death with the lowliest foot soldier. Such a philosophy of leadership may underline why the Israeli and American armies are often thought of as the best military organizations today on the small-unit level.

(Above from The Modern Scholar class Command and Control by Prof. Mark R. Polelle.)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Interval Cardio Warm Up, 14 minutes

A 14 minute treadmill cardiovascular warm up routine. It takes less than 15 minutes to complete and since you can do almost anything for 15 minutes; there are no excuses, nike!

Elapsed TimeDuration (Minutes)IntensityInclineHeart RateZone
023.0098 - 114fitness
213.80114 - 131aerobic
313.83.0131 - 147anaerobic - 147anaerobic< 5.0147 - 164VO2 max
813.06.5 - 7.5131 - 147anaerobic - 131aerobic
11.533.21 - 298 - 114fitness

Friday, June 15, 2012

Upper-body curcuit #1

Although labeled 'upper-body' this is a great workout for the quads as well.
  • Squat to row cables (35 lbs) x 15
  • Bicep curl (red band) x 12
  • Single lateral raise (red band) x 12
  • Wu chi (30 seconds)
Repeat the curcuit three or four times.

Lower-body circuit #1

This is the first circuit that I am adding to my bi-weekly training routine.
Repeat the circuit three or four times.