Saturday, May 16, 2009

Self Defense at the Karate Tournement

I am not going to put my opinions of the Self Defense portion of the Karate tournament in writing. However, I talked to Nancy and we decided to enter next year and show them how it is done.

The most difficult part of the competition was figuring out something that wouldn't hurt my attacker. You see, the stuff that I do naturally will injure most people (that don't know how to protect their joints).

I ended up doing a ryo eri hazushi and takedown with uki pinned face down with a katate tori. Thanks to Mr. Rice who was a most excellent tough guy attacker.

Martial Arts for Kids

The best martial arts class for kids are the classes that they go to. If the child does not get to class it doesn't matter what the school's credentials are.

The parent starts the training by committing themselves to the classes. The parent delivers the child at the door several minutes BEFORE the scheduled start time; give the kid a chance to settle down and get ready for training. This shows the child that you respect the Sensei and value what they are teaching your child while showing the child how to be punctual. Stay at the dojo during class (don't treat it like a baby sitting service, your child will know). I recommend a podcasts and audiobooks while you watch the class.

Which school? You, the parent, will be spending several hours a week at this place so don't minimize your due diligence. The correct answer could very well be there isn't a place with classes that matches your schedules at this time.

Parents should ask around and see where their friends are going and also where there friends have stopped going. Ask why.

Parents should first attend/watch a class that their child would be attending. Leave the kids at home for the initial visit so you will not be distracted from your all important task of managing the development of the child. Arrive 15 minutes early and stay a few minutes after the class so you can experience the way the school is run. Your gut will tell you which schools will be good for your child, listen to your gut.

Talk with the chief instructor and the person (teenager?) who will actually be working with your child. Would you feel safe leaving your child is their care for the weekend? What is the instructor teaching? A parent should watch to determine this, do not base the molding of your child's mind on what you read in a brochure or on the web.

After making your choice(s) of potential schools attend a second class with the child. This time observe your child and dialog with them about what is happening.

At 6 years of age the style doesn't make much difference. The instructor is what is important, not the brand name.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sankyu Green Stripe

I tested for my Sankyu green stripe tonight by demonstrating Chinto Kata. Next I work on Seisan Kata with Chinto Kata for two months then test for Nikyu.