Sunday, October 18, 2009

Danzan Ryu no Kihon

Principles of Danzan Ryu Jujitsu
  1. Yield to force
  2. Do not rely on strength
  3. Connect
  4. Maintain your integrity
  5. Seek the center
  6. Get off the line
  7. Lead the mind
  8. Break frame
  9. Maintain miai
  10. To neutralize
Prof. Tom Ball at the 2009 Western Division AJJF Black Belt Seminar in Sacramento California.

My challenge is to understand these fundamentals it everything I do. Each and every technique has all of these principles so where I don't see the kihon I have more to learn from DZR.


Prof. Hager taught the Hanbo class at the AJJF Black Belt Convention this weekend. Several times she referred to the new book by Masaaki Hatsumi, Advanced Stick Fighting (2005). This is a follow on book to the one I am familiar with, Stick Fighting: Techniques of Self-Defense (1981).

Grip the stick with the finger without using the thumb. That way when you open your fist you retain the stick. :)

Think about and apply Kihon No Danzan Ryu in each art.

Work all the techniques, even the ones that you don't like or can't do.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Seiuchin Kata-Details

Seiuchin Kata details taught by Kyoshi Dave Joslin tonight and at the Black Belt Extravaganza on Saturday.

This kata is of Goju Ryu origin founded by Master Miyagi. The film The Karate Kid (1984) used Chinto Kata, also of Gojo Ryu, and honored the school by naming the Pat Morita character "Mr. Miyagi". Master Tatsuo Shimabuku learned these two kata from Chōjun Miyagi personally.

Look before catching and moving.

Ibuki breath is very important, exhaling 90% and closing with Hup! [In Wansu Kata the Hup! follows the final kia as part of the double shuto strike.] Complete the microcosmic orbit with the tongue. Although not said, closing the bottom of the circle is probably just as important, it comes naturally with the preceding kia.

Archer moves are done with dynamic tension. The rear forearm is parallel to the ground at forehead level with hand open/grab thumb down; back of forward hand is against arm close the the elbow. Simultaneously, exhale 90% of the air, keeping rear elbow at 90° lower the elbow to the side at 45°, forward hand comes down to short rib level palm down then to the side for a shuto to uki's short ribs. Hold with a Hup as described above.

The jumping spin into a one legged stance before catching an placing the foot down. By being on balance after the covering spin, heart/diaphragm/groin covered, one is able to move in any direction as appropriate (as opposed to always falling back to the right:) The raised leg is chambered like it is with Shoba Kon Ate; the chambering provides the momentum for the spin.