Friday, March 6, 2009

Martial Arts TV

Kioshi Dave Joslin has started a web broadcast covering martial arts in general and Isshinryu Karate in particular. Good opportunity to ask questions of Kioshi when the show is going out live. Check out the Archive, start with the March 3rd broadcast.

Here are the feeds from the March 3, 2009 show; Martial Arts Review.

Part 1 of 3

Watch live video from martialartstv's channel on

Part 2 of 3

Attack targets you know the opponent will defend; face, groin, body. People tend not to defend their knees.

Watch live video from martialartstv's channel on

Part 3 of 3

Empower yourself with a well formed fist/weapon. Empower yourself with a combat yell, kiai to remove fear and dought from your mind and place fear and dout into the opponent's mind. Multiple attacker situation discussed.

Watch live video from martialartstv's channel on

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