The first
Intensive held at Prof. Hudson's new home in Apache Junction Arizona was attend by a dozen invitees (Nidan, Sandan and Yodan). I flew into Phoenix on Friday October 26 and left Sunday evening. The yurt is the dojo where the martial arts classes were held. The
qigong training was done out in the wilderness. The blog entry contains my notes from the weekend. I may expound upon some of the idea in later entries.
Internal investigation is the first thing. The second thing is external manifestation. (Paraphrase
Okazaki, "ten years to master yourself then ten more years to master others.")

In the
Wu Qi stance the Qi is in the lower Danden. But if you come up on your toes the Qi goes. A subtler point is that in Wu Qi one opens all the pores slightly.
Tension and
relaxation are
only meaningful in relation to each other. (See page 87 of
The Tao of Yiquan.)
Sig tod Bob, at the 1993 Okugi, to stand like this at which point he took the post stance.
Yawara is, in no particular order, sticking-evading-following.
"Everything in the desert either sticks, stings or bites."
Release fist like an arrow. Strength used like drawing silk. Twisting like pulling apart cotton. (See page 95 of
The Tao of Yiquan.)
Self-defense means combat. It should be understood that in actual combat, moving violently is not as good as moving slightly, which again is not as good as not moving at all. It is stillness that is constant movement, just like a flywheel which, when turning extremely fast, looks static. A visible movement is actually nothing but a reflection of weakness. The motion that resides in stillness and looks like stillness is really powerful....
Kuzushi-putting/keeping opponent on the edge of a cliff so that they attempt to get back to solid ground.
Tenjin Shinyo Ryu, Okugi (See
Koryu Bujutsu, page 121.)

- Be suppleness-don't overuse strength
- Maintain good posture
- Off balance opponent
Prof. Hudson said in so many words;
Belief enables you to choose a path. Knowledge is at the end of the path. You can't use knowledge to choose a path.
He read some from a coffee table book called The Martial Arts Picture Book by Michiel Random. Tom S. found a copy in a used book store, he had been searching for years.
The cactus outside Shanti Jujitsu Dojo in San Jose is a
night blooming cactus. Bob and Carrie have one outside their living room window.
Praying is talking to God. Meditation is active listening (to God).
Continued development includes:
- Do your Qigong
- Do your meditation
- Read (satsang)
- Do seifukujutsu
- Personal commitment (No time then make the time, we always have time for what we want.)
Qigong set we learned.
- Bring down the heavens. Fill you challis and pour into upper dantien, middle dantien then lower dantien. Three times.
- Triple burner. Three times
- Five organs cosmic charge. Kidney little finger, Liver ring finger, Heart middle finger, Lung index finger, Spleen thumb. Arms over head overing the finger nail of the organ for two breaths then move the hands down to the sides and tink the points a dozen times.
- Stand.
Master Maui Saito joined us for Sunday morning's jujitsu class. It was cool the way he emphisized the principles that Prof. Hudson had been focusing on all weekend without knowing that was the purpose of this weekend's intensive.
Connect center to center.
Knife defense; watch and learn the attack. Wait relaxed until the attacker is committed to the attach before taking action. Take the attacker's focus, away from your belly, with a flick to the eyes.
mana is your friend. Call for help, strength and energy.