In the book Karate-Do: My Way Of Life

He lists them 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. The editor acknowledges that Master Funakoshi didn't include a rule #3, it was unaccountable missing. Researching these rules I discovered a book of his on The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate-Do as well as a website dedicated to him with a not dissimilar list of unnumbered rules.
Here is my compilation of Ginchin Funakoshi's Rules for Karate-Do.
1. You must be deadly serious in training.
"Since karate is a martial art, you must practice with the utmost seriousness from the very beginning."
2. Train with both heart and soul without worrying about theory.
"Try to do exactly as you are taught without complaining or quibbling."
"When you are learning a new technique, practice it
wholeheartedly until you truly understand it."
4. Avoid self-conceit and dogmatism.
"Don't pretend to be a great master and don't try to show off your strength."
"Remember that you must always have a deep regard for courtesy, and you must be respectful and obedient toward your seniors."
5. Try to see yourself as you truly are and try to adopt what is meritorious in the work of others.
"You must ignore the bad and adopt the good."
6. Abide by the rules of ethics in your daily life, whether in public or private.
"Think of everyday life as karate training."
Check out this YouTube slideshow of Ginchi Funakoshi and Shotokan Karate-Do.
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