Sunday, November 8, 2009

Joslin Dojos

Kyoshi Ron Joslin
Kyoshi Dave Joslin
Thirty two years ago Dave and Ron Joslin opened their first Karate Dojo.

The date was Saturday, November 5th, 1977.

They have created a great tradition that continues to thrive.

I am proud to consider myself one of their students.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Seisan Stance Power

The power of Seisan Stance requires that the toes are pointing straight ahead.

I noticed that a slight lateral rotation of the lead foot gives you the ability to flow/pivot to the side when resistance is applied; trading strength and power for mobility.

Note: Sensei Bennati says he uses a slight pigeon toe.

No First Strike

There is no first strike in Karate.

What does this mean?